How to Polish with Polish Paste or a Liquid Polish
Usage Tips for Peek Polish
Use Peek Polish sparingly: Not a lot of polish is needed for a good result!
Always use small amounts. Applying small amounts of Peek Polish has several advantages. You are not wasting the polish, thus your money! Having less Peek Polish on the object gives a better view on the progress of your polishing work since it is not cluttered with polish, therefore applying small amounts of polish results in easier cleaning!
3 Steps to Polish with Peek Polish
1. Use Peek Polish sparingly, apply a thin amount with a soft cloth, sponge brush or polishpad. (Also applicable with a professional polishmachine). 2. Polish with rotational movements until a black layer becomes visible. 3. Then polish and clean with a soft clean cloth until the end result is visible: a high gloss on the polish object! |
Do not allow Polish to dry
Drying in of Peek Polish is not necessary. It is even better not to let it dry in, because in dried state the polish can not buff and polish. When Peek Polished has dried in, it is also more difficult to polish.
Has Peek Polish dried in a little? Apply a little extra Peek Polish in order to polish off the dried polish.
Should the polish not first act?
Waiting until the polish assimilated, is not necessary. After applying Peek Polish, polishing can be immediately be started. In case of severe pollution you can allow the polish 5-15 seconds to work, then the pollution is a bit easier to brush away.
Applying Peek Polish
Peek Polish can be applied in different ways, entirely depending to your liking!
- Buff with a polishing cloth
Usually, Peek Polish is used in combination with a polishing cloth. Use a dry or damp cloth and rub firmly on the surface to polish. Afterwards, polish it off with a clean cloth.
- Poly Brush
The Poly Brush can be excellent for polishing unpainted rims or spokes of a bicycle. The Poly Brush this is a kind of sponge on a stalk. The Poly Brush can be found in our Web Shop.
- Polish Machine
For intensive cleaning on large surfaces, Peek Polish can also be used in combination with a polishing machine at low speed (below 1000 RPM).
- Nylon scouring pad
Peek Polish can also be used on a nylon scouring pad for removing slight rust or stubborn stains. Always be careful when using a scouring pad, this may cause slight scratches.
- Old toothbrush
Hard to reach surfaces can be reached by applying Peek Polish on an old toothbrush, possibly wrapped in a cloth.
Professional Polishing
Bij het professioneel poetsen en polijsten wordt gebruik gemaakt van een poetsmachine met regelbare snelheid en met poetspads die bedoelt zijn voor gebruik op een machine.
- Poetsmachine
Voor intensief poetswerk of op grote oppervlakken kan Peek Polish ook worden gebruikt met een poetsmachine op lage snelheid (onder 1000 RPM). Let op het aantal toeren bij machinaal poetsen en polijsten in verband met de vrijkomende warmte bij wrijving: plastics zouden kunnen smelten.
- Polijstmachine en poetspads
Ook kan Peek Polish worden toegepast op een polijstmachine met regelbare snelheden. Op de polijstmachine kunnen diverse groftes poetspads worden gemonteerd, zie bijvoorbeeld op onze meer informatie over de elektrische poetsmachine en polijstmachine 800wat 700-2500RPM (artikelnummer POL55).
Good to know about Peek Polish
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